

Schools, Houses and French Toast Sticks, Oh My!

I forgot the school lunch was french toast sticks yesterday.  This was a cause of much heartache and despair.  Nevermind the fact that I have reminded my munchkins several times they have a lunch account.  If they buy lunch I will have them eat their lunch when they get home from school.

They would rather torture me and complain I gave them a lunch and they thought they "HAD to eat it."

Guilt trippers.

On another note, I think we found a house yesterday.  There are still many steps and I can't get excited because of all those steps, but it's a small relief.

I may also mention that I can't get too excited because I've never seen it.  With Hubby working three hours away, and me mommy-ing full time here, finding a weekend to house hunt is tough.  We found one weekend in December, and we were not successful. 

Ever since Hubby has had the job of seeing houses that I see online.  I also send one of my best girlfriends (who happens to live where we are moving) for a woman's opinion. 

And yesterday, we offered on a house I've never seen.  Crazy, but true.

We are running out of time, with the elementary school being a tad rude about my kids finishing the year since we live in a different elementary school zone.  Same district, different elementary.  Seriously?  You can't leave us alone?  They are settled in with desks, have attended that school since kindergarten, and the school wants my babies to switch to a different school and then move out of state and go to another new school.

I can't even fathom the emotional turmoil.  Dad away, moving out of old house, moving in with grandma, moving to new school, moving to another new school...years of therapy...

As a result, we're hurrying to move this relocation along.  I have a heavy heart because I know the transition we're about go through.  I saw the tears in my eleven year old's eyes yesterday as I told him we may have found a house.

It's heartbreaking.

And so with a house I've never seen and guilt about forgotten french toast sticks, I embark on my Wednesday.

Never a dull moment.

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