These past few weeks have been quite the whirlwind. Emotions have been running high, and to say it's very complicated in our house right now would be an understatement.
I'll go with mucho, uber complicated.
We're relocating. It's a mixed emotion scenario that has some of us crying, some of us jumping for joy and some of us afraid of the uncertain. My children, for the most part, have grown up here. In this money pit of a house I've cursed many times. This is the house my munchkins come home to after school, the house that Santa brings the presents Christmas Eve. They don't know about bills, taxes or how much money is in the bank account.
They know this house.
What are the chances?
He found a new job, in this crap of a job market, right where we spend long weekends. It's a town we've long loved and even considered moving to after we had our first baby. These friends have been family; family we've chosen because we love them so much. They'll be there to welcome us with open arms, and to lead the way through school registration, to the grocery store and through the cow pastures.
Sorry, I had to go there.
While the kids cry and digest the thought of new friends, new football teams and new gymnastics trainers, we look ahead. We stay positive and keep strong. We do all this with a heavy heart, sad for the town and friends that have sustained us through many shenanigans. Our faces have been in our gymnastics gym and on the football field for years. We've been a staple at school assemblies and orientations. There have been 4th of July picnics, Halloween parties and playdates with wonderful friends.
I haven't even mentioned my parents. My mother has been my rock these past few years, babysitting so I could work at night and Hubby could still coach football. She's been at every football game and picked up my daughter from gymnastics many times. She's come to school parades and basketball games. To know we won't be able to see her as much as we like is pure heartache.
We'll miss this place very, very much. I never realized how much I loved it until I knew we were leaving. Money pit and all. I know in a few months I'll be wiping tears from munchkin eyes as they fall asleep in their new beds. I'll be wiping them too.
But Pennsylvania, here we come. I hope you're ready, because Mommyhood is movin' in.

These past few weeks have been quite the whirlwind. Emotions have been running high, and to say it's very complicated in our house right now would be an understatement.
I'll go with mucho, uber complicated.
We're relocating. It's a mixed emotion scenario that has some of us crying, some of us jumping for joy and some of us afraid of the uncertain. My children, for the most part, have grown up here. In this money pit of a house I've cursed many times. This is the house my munchkins come home to after school, the house that Santa brings the presents Christmas Eve. They don't know about bills, taxes or how much money is in the bank account.
They know this house.
Hubby has landed a job that will advance his career, a job that will benefit the family in the long run. The short run will be difficult, but the long run will reap the rewards. This opportunity was one he couldn't pass up, and the miracle of the whole scenario is that the job is where our dearest friends live.
What are the chances?
He found a new job, in this crap of a job market, right where we spend long weekends. It's a town we've long loved and even considered moving to after we had our first baby. These friends have been family; family we've chosen because we love them so much. They'll be there to welcome us with open arms, and to lead the way through school registration, to the grocery store and through the cow pastures.
Sorry, I had to go there.
While the kids cry and digest the thought of new friends, new football teams and new gymnastics trainers, we look ahead. We stay positive and keep strong. We do all this with a heavy heart, sad for the town and friends that have sustained us through many shenanigans. Our faces have been in our gymnastics gym and on the football field for years. We've been a staple at school assemblies and orientations. There have been 4th of July picnics, Halloween parties and playdates with wonderful friends.
I haven't even mentioned my parents. My mother has been my rock these past few years, babysitting so I could work at night and Hubby could still coach football. She's been at every football game and picked up my daughter from gymnastics many times. She's come to school parades and basketball games. To know we won't be able to see her as much as we like is pure heartache.
We'll miss this place very, very much. I never realized how much I loved it until I knew we were leaving. Money pit and all. I know in a few months I'll be wiping tears from munchkin eyes as they fall asleep in their new beds. I'll be wiping them too.
But Pennsylvania, here we come. I hope you're ready, because Mommyhood is movin' in.
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