Halloween is just about here. I say this because lately I blink my eyes and another week has gone by. Which means in three blinks it will be Halloween.
Is it here yet?
My mother was the super-duper-est Halloween costume maker. She had six kids, and we all sported these handmade costumes straight out of Make it Homemade Magazine. While no such magazine exists, it should. And every Halloween costume from 1974 on that my mother made should be featured.
To name a few, I was a jack-in-the-box, Minnie Mouse, Tinkerbell and Raggedy Ann. My brothers were everything from Jason the Headchopper (Friday the 13th anyone?) to Popeye.
I'm lucky enough to have my mother when we need Halloween costume help. I have made attempts at costume development, and they turn out like this:
Snow White. This, to me, looks more like Bride of Frankenstein.
With my mother's help, we have costumes that look more like this:
Captain Hook.
And my all time favorite, Max, from Where the Wild Things Are. 100% handmade by my mom.
Thank goodness for grandma. I'll say it over and over again.
By the way, looking for pictures for this post I found this,
And this,
What did I say about blinking again? Because to me, this was yesterday.
Are you a costume maker, buyer, or a combination of both?
Is it here yet?
My mother was the super-duper-est Halloween costume maker. She had six kids, and we all sported these handmade costumes straight out of Make it Homemade Magazine. While no such magazine exists, it should. And every Halloween costume from 1974 on that my mother made should be featured.
To name a few, I was a jack-in-the-box, Minnie Mouse, Tinkerbell and Raggedy Ann. My brothers were everything from Jason the Headchopper (Friday the 13th anyone?) to Popeye.
Snow White. This, to me, looks more like Bride of Frankenstein.
With my mother's help, we have costumes that look more like this:
Captain Hook.
And my all time favorite, Max, from Where the Wild Things Are. 100% handmade by my mom.
By the way, looking for pictures for this post I found this,
And this,
What did I say about blinking again? Because to me, this was yesterday.
Are you a costume maker, buyer, or a combination of both?
Is it here yet?
My mother was the super-duper-est Halloween costume maker. She had six kids, and we all sported these handmade costumes straight out of Make it Homemade Magazine. While no such magazine exists, it should. And every Halloween costume from 1974 on that my mother made should be featured.
To name a few, I was a jack-in-the-box, Minnie Mouse, Tinkerbell and Raggedy Ann. My brothers were everything from Jason the Headchopper (Friday the 13th anyone?) to Popeye.
I'm lucky enough to have my mother when we need Halloween costume help. I have made attempts at costume development, and they turn out like this:
Snow White. This, to me, looks more like Bride of Frankenstein.
With my mother's help, we have costumes that look more like this:
Captain Hook.
And my all time favorite, Max, from Where the Wild Things Are. 100% handmade by my mom.
Thank goodness for grandma. I'll say it over and over again.
By the way, looking for pictures for this post I found this,
And this,
What did I say about blinking again? Because to me, this was yesterday.
Are you a costume maker, buyer, or a combination of both?
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