I only have photo evidence of two of my four cherubs on their first day back. My oldest would have died a thousand deaths if I pulled this on him before loading the Jr/Sr High bus, and he was barely functioning anyhow. My youngest will get it, but she starts in another week.
I promise I will stop talking about back to school after I share everything I accomplished between 8am and 3pm. It's just too exciting.
2. Return at Target
3. Shopping at Target using coupons effectively.
4. Left Target with EVERYTHING I needed.
5. De-spidered front porch, including web removal with a broom. For the record these spiders out here in the country are no joke. Oh my word I would lose a year off my life if one of those gigantic monster web spinners landed on me.
Moving on...
6. Scrubbed front porch and front door area.
7. Laundry in
9. Kitchen picked up
10. Was on time, with gymnastics practice snack prepared and ready, when I picked up kids from school.
If you're wondering what the obsession is with the front porch, its because we actually use it now that we have a bus to catch. And school was scary enough without the superhuman Arachnoids all up in our space.
Have a fab weekend. I know my kids are already happy its Friday, and they've only been back to school a day. What can I say, my kids love sleep.
I only have photo evidence of two of my four cherubs on their first day back. My oldest would have died a thousand deaths if I pulled this on him before loading the Jr/Sr High bus, and he was barely functioning anyhow. My youngest will get it, but she starts in another week.
I promise I will stop talking about back to school after I share everything I accomplished between 8am and 3pm. It's just too exciting.
1. Breakfast with a friend
2. Return at Target
3. Shopping at Target using coupons effectively.
4. Left Target with EVERYTHING I needed.
5. De-spidered front porch, including web removal with a broom. For the record these spiders out here in the country are no joke. Oh my word I would lose a year off my life if one of those gigantic monster web spinners landed on me.
Moving on...
6. Scrubbed front porch and front door area.
7. Laundry in
8. Laundry out
9. Kitchen picked up
10. Was on time, with gymnastics practice snack prepared and ready, when I picked up kids from school.
If you're wondering what the obsession is with the front porch, its because we actually use it now that we have a bus to catch. And school was scary enough without the superhuman Arachnoids all up in our space.
Have a fab weekend. I know my kids are already happy its Friday, and they've only been back to school a day. What can I say, my kids love sleep.
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