

The Dog Shelter

This past weekend we visited a local "no kill" dog shelter.  My daughter's gymnastics school held a fundraising meet for the shelter, utilizing all entrance fees to purchase new dog beds for the cages.

After competing in the meet, the girls were invited to the shelter.  Each girl was asked to bring a new blanket to give to one of the shelter dogs.

It was their little canine Christmas.

When the girls arrived at the shelter they chose a picture from a basket.  The picture was of one of the dozens of dogs living in the shelter.  Attached was a candy cane "thank you" from the dog and the dog's name.

My daughter chose "Dozer".
We waited in a small office area until our group was brought back to the kennels by one of the volunteers. The girls were eager, and their smiles were bright.

The room smelled and it was rather cold.  The girls didn't notice and if they did they didn't care.   

Kids are miraculous, loving human beings who have a genuine gift of seeing the bigger picture.  Their hearts are pure and ready to help anyone or anything in need.

No smell or amount of mushy dog poop could damper their excitement.
Some of the dogs in the shelter are kept in a separate area because they are not "sociable".  They have signs on their cages that indicate they are not to be around people.

Or other animals.

"Dozer" was one of those dogs.  We were able to meet him from afar and he was definitely strong.  And paranoid.  He barked uncontrollably and it wasn't his fault.  He was one of the many pitbulls who would most likely remain in that shelter for a very long time.

Maybe forever.

Our shelter visit has forever changed my Gymnastics Queen.  She has always been an animal lover, but now she is determined to be an "animal saver". 

We brought those dogs blankets, but they brought us so much more.  And this Christmas, I wish them all a "forever family". 

Mommyhood Footnote: The shelter is completely non-profit, and depends 100% on volunteers.  Support "no kill" shelters in your area, because they most definitely need the assistance.

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