

Pico de Gallo

Hands down, my favorite thing to make with my home grown tomatoes is 
homemade salsa / homemade pico de gallo.

My kids call them both salsa, but I would say that what I make is more of a pico.

Salsa seems to be more of a blended/cooked/canned type sauce.
Pico is more fresh ingredients.

Correct me if I am wrong?

Either way, sign me up, because it is literally my most FAVORITE snack.

It's also my son, Spencer's favorite.
I think it's because I ate more Mexican food when I was pregnant with him, than anything else.
And the hotter the better.
I still laugh when I think if the time my Mother-In-Law told me my baby was going to be born bald, because all of the spicy food I was eating was burning his hair off!!

Spencer has a great garden this year, full of peppers, all kinds, and tomatoes, too.
Right now, the peppers are going like crazy and the tomatoes are green.

So I hit a local stand and bought a bunch, and mixed up some pico tonight., 
He was a happy camper when he got home from work!

Pico de Gallo

8 medium sized ripe tomatoes
1- 1 1/2 onion diced (I used a Vidalia one)
1-2 jalapeno
2 hot wax or banana peppers
1 salsa pepper
1 clove garlic minced
2 teaspoons of lime juice
1/2 cup cilantro leaves, or to taste
sea salt

Dice tomatoes and onions and place in a large bowl.
In your food processor, place peppers and cilantro and give them a whir!
Scoop into tomato/onion mixture.
Add garlic, lime and give it a sprinkle of sea salt.  
If you leave it in the fridge overnight, it always tastes better the next day!

Notes: This "recipe" is really based on taste.  If you want it more mild, use more peppers, don't like cilantro? omit it.  I start with the tomatoes and onions and add peppers to it, it will "heat up" a bit as it sits, but not so much that if you think you can't taste the peppers, you shouldn't add more.
I use what peppers I have on hand, always jalapenos, but sometimes I might not have the salsa pepper, and you can just add and take away.
The sea salt seems to really bring out the taste.  Use as much or as little as your tastes allow.

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