

Counting Down.

In two weeks, for the first time in 12 years (yes, 12) I will be a semi-free woman.  My youngest is going to preschool five mornings a week from 8:30 to 11:15.

In case you missed it, I'll say it again.

FIVE mornings.

Let me list the things I will now be able to do because I'll have approximately fifteen hours a week to myself:

1.  Run at a time OTHER than 6:30am.
2. Use coupons and shopping lists accordingly.
3. Talk on the phone.
4. Go to the dentist without a child in my lap.
5. Have my hair cut and colored more than once every six to seven months.
6. A manicure maybe?  A pedicure? Oh heavenly nail polish.
7. CLEAN.  Maybe not.
8. Volunteer in the classroom without a sidekick.
9. Christmas and birthday shop without hiding purchases under the cart. 
10. Not hand out snacks every fifteen minutes.

And number eleven:


To all the moms wiping boogies and lugging carseats into stores, it gets better.  The time goes fast, even though the days sometime seem like they are crawling by.  I will be shopping without toddler commentary for the first time in over a decade.  It's tough to believe but it's true. 

I've been waiting a long time to just get out of the car and go into a store.  No snacks, juice, wipes or carseat strapping needed.

I can't believe its almost here.

I do love my kids, and I'll miss my little shopping buddy.  But I can say with confidence, I'm ready to think uninterrupted for a portion of my week.


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