

This is Me, Saving Money

I have a not-so-secret secret. I just moved.

I moved from New York to Pennsylvania, and settling in has been hectic.  I've been unpacking, cleaning, organizing and driving around aimlessly looking for places to shop.  I'm also driving around frustrated because I don't know where anything is.

This wastes a lot of gas.

Since moving to PA, I've enrolled my daughter in a new gymnastics school and my boys have joined baseball teams.  Most weekdays after school look something like this:

3:15 - pick up from school
4:00 - leave for gymnastics, with everyone in tow
4:30 - drop daughter at gymnastics, turn around and head home
5:00 - drop boys at baseball practice or game
7:30 - go back to gymnastics
8:30 - head back home and drown my exhaustion in ice cream

In case you're overwhelmed, I'll sum this up by saying I drive more than I did in New York.  I didn't think this was possible, but apparently it is.  I'm blessed that gas prices are lower in Pennsylvania, but I'm still spending more than I care to know about on fuel.

I'd rather buy clothes.  Or ice cream.

I've mentioned the Fuel Rewards Network™ program - or FRN™ program - on my blog before, and it's so great I'm mentioning it again.

I signed-up a few weeks ago, and I save a few dollars on gasoline at Shell every time I fill my tank.  This may not sound like much, but it does add up.  Saving $2.00 every time I fuel up can save me around $20/month.  Which means I'm saving $240/year.

That's a lot of ice cream.

Along with earning rewards grocery shopping, dining out and shopping online, FRN members can also earn rewards on car washes and automotive services at participating Shell stations.  Basically, just by living your life and doing what you normally do, you can save money on gasoline.

This is me, in my gigantic "do these make my giant head look smaller?" sunglasses, saving money.  Don't I look happy?
FRN also has a mobile app to track your rewards, which makes life very easy.  I love easy.

If you haven't joined the Fuel Rewards Network program, you're missing out on big savings on Shell Fuel.  Money you could spend on groceries, clothes or vacations. Anything sounds better than spending money on gas for the car.

I love my little fuel card, he goes with me everywhere.

If you want to save money (who doesn't?), visit and sign up today.  It's quick and easy, and you'll be so glad you did.  You can also get more information by visiting the FRN Facebook Page.
Watch these fun videos that show how great it feels to save with FRN!
Happy driving, and even happier saving!

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