

So honored to receive the Liebster Award

Friday evening I was waiting for my husband to come home from work, and take myself and our 8 year old twins to dinner at my favorite Mexican restaurant.   I was glad it was Friday, but tired from all of the cleaning and preparing for the Homecoming party I was having for my daughter and her friends.   Sometimes teenagers can make a mom feel a little unappreciated. So, with a sigh, I logged onto my facebook to see what my foodie friends had planned for the weekend.

I was so touched to see that Joan, from Chocolate, Chocolate and More Chocolate had nominated me for a blogger award called the Liebster Blog. 

In German Liebster means (n.) beloved, dear, dearest, love

I was so honored that someone felt that way about my blog. Joan, you absolutely made my weekend, and touched my heart with your comment. 

If you would like to see what Joan said about my page, and see the other lucky nominees, here is a link to her blog:

While you are there, stay awhile and look around at her yummy recipes and her informative and just plain special blog.  Thank you, Joan, for this very sweet award.

I am so glad my music selections can bring you some relaxation from time to time.

Today, October 24, 2011, I received yet another Liebster Award.. This time it was from Debi, her site is called Recipes for my Boys.   Debi is one of those dynamic women that I relate to.  Not only does she love to spend time with her family and be in her kitchen, she is a mother of twins!! There is just some kinship between mothers of twins.  Debi, thank you for sharing this award with me.  Your posts are always a favorite of mine. Thank you for always having something sweet to say, it's always a pleasure to visit your site.


So, the rules that come along with award are simple:

1) Show your thanks to the blogger that gave you the award by linking back to them.

2) Reveal your top 5 picks by leaving a comment on their blog.

3) Post the award on your blog.

4) Enjoy the love of some of the most supportive people on the Internet.


So, after taking a couple of days to decide I think I have my choices narrowed down.

I hope that all of you enjoy your Liebster, and display it proudly on your page.

Here they are in random order:

Curly Girl Kitchen - I love visiting her blog and all of the bright colors that welcome you when it pops up.  I was initially attracted to her name right away, because "Curly" is a nickname that we have always called my oldest daughter. But after poking around, it wasn't the name that kept me there, it was Heather's recipes!

Simply Gourmet Photography -  Here on Sherron's site, you will become instantly HUNGRY. I not only love her recipes and ideas that she shares, but she is just such a darn good photographer! I am envious of how she makes food look even better than it is!

The Devilish Dish - I was one of Candi's first followers to her blog.  I have been lucky enough to know Candi for many years now, Candi is always my "go to girl" when I have a kitchen question. I have had her cooking first hand, and it NEVER disappoints! She takes so much time in her posts, and always has something new and interesting to try.

Lovely Little Snippets - I always look forward to Stephanie's posts. Her site is just a little bit of everything. Recipes, scrapbooking, decorating, printables... you name it. It's a smorgasbord of ideas!

Chef in Disguise - Sawsan's blog is always filled with interesting recipes.  I love the eclectic variety that she presents.  She is another one that I envy when it comes to her ability to photograph food. I always look forward to her posts, and I just have to say, her "Lightening McQueen" cake on her facebook profile always make me smile!

So, there are my nominees for the Liebster award. I hope that you give them a visit, and begin enjoying their pages as much as I do.

And for those of you who have been chosen, I can't WAIT to see who you pick when you "pay it forward."

I am blessed to be surrounded by so many talented friends.  This was such a hard choice to make!


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