

Gift Ideas to Support Our Local Communities

With the holidays rapidly approaching, and Black Friday sales being advertised everywhere we turn, what to give this season is most definitely a hot topic.

I received a wonderful email this week that stressed the importance of supporting our local communities.  Obviously there are many items that we will be buying at big name retailers, especially when price is most important.

But for many friends and family, a gift that supports the "mom and pop" businesses is unique.  And it is much appreciated.

For these small businesses, you are not just a number.  You are a face, and a name.  Supporting them gives to your loves ones, but to your community as well.

This year think about a gift certificate to grab dinner at a local restaurant.  Not a national chain, but a family owned establishment.  Buy a basket of baked good from the bakery, or a platter from the deli around the corner.

Stop in that small gift shop downtown.  Paint pottery, browse handmade crafts or have professional pictures taken by a local photographer.

Give a small membership to a local gym, or a gift card to have a car detailed.  Support your favorite hairdresser and give a certificate for a new cut and color. 

This season, let's have concern for small businesses, neighbors and our friends.

We can all save money on that new string of Christmas lights and tip our mailman instead.  We can eat local, and tip our servers.  We can remember our teachers, garbage men and our babysitters.

I'll be buying plenty where the price is right, but I'll also be plunking down some "green" right downtown.

Hope you all do the same! 

Have a fabulous Wednesday!  

Mommyhood Footnote:  Check out the 3/50 Project, which helps us all locate and support the "mom and pop" shops nearby!

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