

Pink Angel Food Strawberry Shortcake Trifle


I am a girly girl at heart.  
Yes, most days, you will find me in my workout clothes, and my youngest daughter said that people usually recognize me in my Nike ball cap, but give me a chance to dress up in a skirt and heels, I am ALL over it!!

When my friend Gerry, had a party at her house for her book club last month, I loved making my food for her get together around the author she was hosting.

The author's name is Joy Johnson, and is from Nebraska.
She wrote a series of books called "The BOOB Girls ~ The Burned Out Old Broads at Table 12."

here is the official site: BOOB Girls

Gerry entertained not only Joy and her husband, but her book club as well as her Master Gardeners Club.
She had her house all set up with cute little things from the book series, 
..."Underwear hanging on a clothesline?..."

"Table 12"

All things readers would recognize from her books.

Gerry took these two pictures of how things were set up for her guests in her home.

Gerry is ALWAYS doing nice things for me.  
If I had to go back and tell you how we met, you would be as surprised as me to see that we are
 friends now.

Gerry was actually my 9th grade Algebra teacher.
Those of you who know me well know that my love of math ends at measurements in spoons and cups for baking/cooking.

Gerry tells me that if I was as concerned with Algebra as I was with boys, my 9th grade test scores would have been a lot better!!


Well, fast forward about 15 years ( myself again) and I find out that Gerry is married to Don who does all of my husband's motor work on his race car.

(that is in it's simplest version)

So, Gerry and Don are like another set of Grandparents to our kiddos now, she has a library in her house that I dream to have someday; and has turned me on to some of my favorite authors, she loves to cook, and, funny story...
She tutors my daughter in math!! ;)

Like I said they are always doing nice things for us, never wanting to take anything for it.
So when she told me about this party, I asked her if I could do her food.

In addition to the pink angel food cake strawberry shortcake trifle

I made her my Caprese Tomatoes:

My White Rose Infused Sangria, but made it with blush wine:

and I made my warm Spinach and Artichoke Dip

I absolutely LOVED making this angel food cake.
Isn't it pretty??

Here it is topped with pink cake before the whipped cream and strawberries hit the top!

I loved it so much I made it in Red, White and Blue for the 4th of July

Instead of re-writing the recipe all over again, make it just like the Red, White and Blue one says, 
but of course use pink!! (or any color you heart desires!!)

Here is the recipe:

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