

Quick and Easy Father's Day Gift

*a re-post...enjoy!*

To me, Father's Day isn't about buying presents.  The handmade gifts are where it's at.

This gift is one of my all time favorites.  My Gymnastics Queen made something very similar for me a few years ago in school and it still hangs above my vanity.

Every morning when I'm primping myself I see it and smile.

This gift is easy, simple and inexpensive.  All you need is a munchkin, a computer with a printer, crayons and one trip to Walmart for a $3.00 frame.

On your computer print out a sheet of paper with "My Dad"  or "All About My Dad" across the top.

Underneath type four or five questions or statements for your munchkin to answer and fill in.  Examples are "My dad likes to cook____", "My Dad's favorite show is________".   You'll be amused by what your munchkins notice and the answers they give.

Keep questions to a few because munchkin hands tire quickly.

After questions are typed, add in an empty box underneath "My Dad" (or chosen title) for your munchkin to make a picture.

If you want to be a real fancypants add in a real photograph.  I am never prepared enough for actual photos.  I fly by the seat of my pants on handmade crafts.

I suggest allowing munchkins to come up with answers without any assistance.  My son wrote my Hubby was 90 and he likes to ask the kids about vitamins.

Entertainment in it's purest form.

Secure your paper in frame and voila!  A handy, entertaining heartfelt keepsake for your wall. 

Another option for the frame (which I prefer for older munchkins) is the homemade newspaper.  This would be a "Father of the Year Named!"  Or "World's Best Dad 2011!" title.  Underneath I created an interview style article with questions about Hubby for my Sports Fanatic to answer.

Again, just need a frame and a computer.  Munchkin can handle the rest.
Happy Gift Making!

Mommyhood Footnote: If you want to be uber crafty head to a crafts store and buy an unfinished frame.  Have munchkin paint it and add paper in after it dries.

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