

Pajamas and Pancakes

On January 1st, our church was holding a "Pajamas and Pancakes" service for all the little ones.  Kids were to come in pajamas, bring a stuffed animal, and gorge themselves on pancakes.

Despite our best efforts to make it there, we never did.  Working until 1am New Year's Eve quickly put a nail in that coffin.

Rather than miss out on all the fun, I decided to hold my own "PJ's and Pancakes" for the munchkins.  Once Hubby and myself were up and functioning (functioning being the key word in this sentence), I gave everyone an assignment.

The Gymnastics Queen made invitations to hand out to the family.  She fancies handwritten letters the same way I fancy mint chocolate chip ice cream.

My oldest was in charge of taking orders.  He lined them up for me to view as I flipped pancakes on the griddle and cracked eggs for the frying pan.
The tiniest two were in charge of setting the table.  This translates to only LLG set the table.  He carefully set out syrup and napkins while Moopa enjoyed her carefree toddler lifestyle.

Once the pancakes were abundant, we all gathered around the marker stained, much loved, kitchen table.  We inhaled pancakes, toast and eggs.

Chocolate milk was served and syrup was poured.

We quickly decided this will be an annual event to ring in the New Year.  Everyone loves pancakes, everyone loves pajamas, and stuffed animals finally have a seat at the table.

Oh, and nothing beats a family breakfast.

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