


I've been waiting to write this blog for a long time, because I had to settle into what is and wrap my head around all the changes.

It's been a long three weeks.

Exactly three weeks ago, Hubby came home and told me he lost his job.  With no real warnings or reprimanding-s, no decrease in business or poor performance reports, it was a shock.  We both kind of sat there, stunned.  It was a real "what do we do now?" scenario.

Four kids.  We moved here for this job.  This job was supposed to be the "the one," the great company everyone dreams of working for.  Turns out the company wasn't so great to us.  But that's okay, because not everything is meant to be.  From the moment Hubby walked in the door white as a ghost with his awful news, I knew in my heart there was a reason.  And after processing the situation for a few moments, I got up and updated his resume.

Tears and worry wouldn't fix it.  Harping on why it happened wouldn't pay the bills.

The timing of this blog is intentional, because I'm ready to share our story.  I'm ready to advise against putting all your eggs in one basket.  Company lifestyles aren't as grand as they seem.  Company cars aren't great when you have to return them, and have one car.  Company phones aren't all the rave when you have to hand them back in and start a new plan.  Until we handed everything back I didn't even realize how much of our stuff wasn't even "ours."

 I can't say I ever want anyone to own our "stuff" again.  Big lesson learned.

Tomorrow Hubby starts a new job, and I'm ready for new beginnings.  This past year has been a roller coaster of good news, bad news and very dramatic changes.  Moving four kids was no easy feat, nor was adjusting to a new life away from friends and family.

The good news?  I know we're meant to live here.  I feel it.  If that job was the only way to get us here than I'm still thankful.  The rest we'll figure out as we continue down our road of life.  We have what we need, and the rest if just fluff.  Friends and family have rallied around us, and the support has been phenomenal.  We're extremely thankful for the good people we have in our lives.  They've taught us there is no shame in losing a job, it happens. 

Life happens

And this predicament is one we can deal with, and move forward.  We can digest the changes and look ahead.  

Tomorrow, it's all about new beginnings.  Cheers to that.

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